A field experiment was conducted in the early growing season (April- July) of 2014 at the Teaching and Research farm of the University of Benin. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of three rates (0, 120, 240 kg ha-1) of NPK fertilizer and 2 plant spacings (30 x 30 cm and 30 x 40 cm) on the growth and herbage yield of two pasture grasses (Brachiaria decumbens and Digitaria decumbens). The 12 factorial treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) and replicated 3 times. Rooted propagules of uniform height (10 cm) were transplanted into the plots based on treatments. Fertilizer was applied at 6 weeks after transplanting to the respective plots when the seedlings had established. Variables measured at 6, 12 and 18 weeks after transplanting were sward height (cm), number of tillers and fresh herbage yield (kg ha-1). All variables decreased in values between 12 and 18 WAT. However, at 12 WAT Brachiaria decumbens furnished significantly heavier fresh herbage yield ( 5.9 t ha-1) compared to Digitaria decumbens (5.3 t ha-1). Generally, the variables increased as fertilizer application increased. The trend for fresh herbage yield was 240 kg ha-1 NPK (7.6 t ha-1) > 120 kg ha-1 NPK ( 6.1 t ha-1) > 0 kg ha-1 NPK (3.1 t ha-1). Brachiaria decumbens obtained the significantly ( p < 0.05) tallest sward height (120.2 cm) at 12 WAT and the heighest number of tillers (52.8) at 18 WAT with the highest rate of fertilizer application. At 12 WAT, the wider plant spacing (30 x 40 cm) furnished significantly (P < 0.05) more tillers (45.1) than the narrow spacing (30 x 30 cm). In conclusion, Brachiaria decumbens exhibited better growth and yield attributes than Digitaria decumbens. Fertilizer application exhibited a linear effect for all the variables. The wider spaced plants produced more tillers than the closely spaced plants. The relatively high fresh herbage yields recorded by both grasses imply they can provide sufficient fodder for numerous ruminant livestock.
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